Thursday, October 23, 2008


Please vote today and urge everyone you know to do the same. If you live in a state that does not allow for early voting, get an absentee ballot and send it in right away. Again, urge everyone you know to follow your lead.

I am noticing that my lifestyle is taking a nasty turn for the worse. I am exercising less, drinking more and sleeping in strange shifts without any congruence to the normal patterns of a 24 hour cycle. I'm not even sure what that means but trust me, it ain't good. I can't even figure out the tag that Helen gave me yesterday (which I want to do) and my performance at work is dismal. Lets not even begin to discuss my performance in the bedroom...

I must not be alone in this. Please, someone else tell me their life is in an unhealthy spiral for no reason other than this election, and the pending bipolar emotional possibilities its outcome promises to deliver.

So I propose this: if everyone votes today--one way or the other--(and I am talking 100 percent turnout) there must be no reason to wait until Nov. 4 to await the results. Right? It seems it would just have to work that way. We can end this campaign, and we can end it today if we can get everyone to vote before election day.

I think I am going to buy a gym membership that begins on Nov. 5, because this can't stand. Life should not be about deciding which "news" show I am going to have on in the background while I decide which article I am going to read while I think about what I want to write about this election on this blog. I should not be able to converse with near strangers at length about remote congressional districts in Minnesota or bellwether counties in Colorado. Win, lose, or draw--there is something waiting on the other side of the fifth of November and I want to get there asap.

Please forward this plea to everyone you know and urge them to act.

My life is in your hands.


puddy said...

apparently your plea has not gone unanswered

Kup said...

Pabst Blue Puddy- This is good news. I really want to watch the returns asap and get this over with, in case that sentiment did not fully come through in the original post.

Randal Graves said...

I am noticing that my lifestyle is taking a nasty turn for the worse. I am exercising less, drinking more and sleeping in strange shifts without any congruence to the normal patterns of a 24 hour cycle.

Sounds like me, except I don't do anything nearly as foolish as watching talking hairpieces.

But you're doing it all wrong. You're supposed to be like Oral Roberts and say that if you don't get 8 million bucks, god will be calling you home.

Anonymous said...

I must be one sick fuck. I am experiencing all the stuff you are, but part of me digs the excitement of it. I've never seen anything like this election and I love being so active within it. So, I've just put my health and happiness aside for now. I feel like you in that I want it overwith but another part of me will be so sad when it's over, because it's EXCITING dammit!

And I want to vote on the actual election day just because of the experience of it. I also don't know why anyone trusts voting by mail? Who counts it? How can you prove you mailed it in? I should investigate.

I guess if poll places are overcrowded now, it'll be a bitch on election day? Or perhaps not, maybe these polling places were not prepared for so much early voting.

Anonymous said...

Oh and you don't have to respond to the tag if you don't want to. I could care less about those things and it was fun doing it myself, but I don't expect anyone who doesn't want to do it to bother.

themom said...

I'm with you guys. Even my friends are warning me I am too passionate. But it is working...I've gotten poeple to vote that have not been to the polls in years. I thought ahead and my absentee ballot went in 10 days ago. Whoo-hoo!

Anonymous said...

Larry David shares your sentiments.


Distributorcap said...

i will vote at 6am -- i dont want to wait on line --- althought that can be a bit of exercise