Former White House press secretary has a new book coming out called “What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception”. McClellan throws Bush and the administration under the political bus. It's about time some of these guys stop drinking the Kool-Aid. I'm not letting Scotty off the hook for all the bullshit he fed us over the years but this is refreshing. Among the worst of the charges:
I don't think any of this is a major change in what most of us with brains had known but this is the former White House press secretary! Not some anti-Bush blogger or whatnot. The right wing talking heads are already saying that McClellan is only trying to sell books and that it only makes him worse because it was he who was doing the lying. Well he didn't just make it up all by himself and he's claiming it came right from where we have suspected all along. Smoking gun it's not but it's better than nothing.
• McClellan charges that Bush relied on “propaganda” to sell the war.
• He says the White House press corps was too easy on the administration during the run-up to the war.
• He admits that some of his own assertions from the briefing room podium turned out to be “badly misguided.”
• The longtime Bush loyalist also suggests that two top aides held a secret West Wing meeting to get their story straight about the CIA leak case at a time when federal prosecutors were after them — and McClellan was continuing to defend them despite mounting evidence they had not given him all the facts.
• McClellan asserts that the aides — Karl Rove, the president’s senior adviser, and I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, the vice president’s chief of staff — “had at best misled” him about their role in the disclosure of former CIA operative Valerie Plame’s identity.
• He says the White House press corps was too easy on the administration during the run-up to the war.
• He admits that some of his own assertions from the briefing room podium turned out to be “badly misguided.”
• The longtime Bush loyalist also suggests that two top aides held a secret West Wing meeting to get their story straight about the CIA leak case at a time when federal prosecutors were after them — and McClellan was continuing to defend them despite mounting evidence they had not given him all the facts.
• McClellan asserts that the aides — Karl Rove, the president’s senior adviser, and I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, the vice president’s chief of staff — “had at best misled” him about their role in the disclosure of former CIA operative Valerie Plame’s identity.
I don't think any of this is a major change in what most of us with brains had known but this is the former White House press secretary! Not some anti-Bush blogger or whatnot. The right wing talking heads are already saying that McClellan is only trying to sell books and that it only makes him worse because it was he who was doing the lying. Well he didn't just make it up all by himself and he's claiming it came right from where we have suspected all along. Smoking gun it's not but it's better than nothing.
Despite his history, Scotty is my new hero. At least he said SOMETHING, even if his motive was to sell books.
Dr. Z, it is tough when people finally decide to do the right thing. Scotty was cheif BS spewer and I used to despise him with a passion but I always thought he was a normal guy doing a job. Even when he was on the Daily Show, he would have this whole, "don't hate me because of my job" thing going on. Now Snow and Perino, I think they enjoy doing their jobs.
I still think he's a weasel even if he's right about this.
Yeah Dean, I hear ya. He is a piss of shit but at least he saw the "light" finally. Maybe more will realize that the right doesn't give a fuck about the little man even in their own party and they'll jump ship too.
ONce a weasel, always a weasel. I really gotta wonder how much Doughboy knew when he was an insider. I'll always think of him as one of the traitors. Doughboy might have used a tell-all as a way of diverting the angry mob with pitchforks away from his pliable self. I never believe any of these jerks really ever gets an attack of the "conscience."
This is a tough one to grasp Helen. I want to say thanks for finally telling it like it is but on the other hand I want to repeatedly punch him in the kidneys will making him watch himself in '03.
He's still a weasel, but now he's a weasel with a book.
You know he's a weasel because even after his time as a weasely celebrity, he figured out how to weasel the maximum potential out of it afterwards.
The guy gets no slack from me. It's always easy to tell the bitter truths after everyone's already figured them out.
Just now on Faux "News" (I'm forced to watch it in my workplace cafeteria, so when I get coffee I get propaganda and lies too!), Ari Fleischer is claiming he's "heartbroken" about Scotty's book. What an asshat.
Nice dguzman, you get free Fixed News with your lunch breaks! I'll bet the administration would require that ALL workplaces watch Fixed News if they could.
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