Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Richard Clark On Countdown Today...

Former counter-terrorism czar Richard Clark was on Countdown today to discuss Iran and the threat they actually pose. Clark lays it down and claims that we don't have any good intelligence on Iran and if we did that the administration would have produced it instead of relying on vague references and guesses ala Iraq. By the way, I love Richard Clark and hope Obama gives him a position in his cabinet.


Dr. Zaius said...

Every story on that episode of Countdown with Keith Olbermann was great! (Except maybe the space potty story.)

Bradda said...

Dr. Z, it was a particularly good episode all around. I personaly really dig Clark so I posted him. The potty story was silly, it seems like he has to have some goofy story every night. I'm just glad we have KO, for he's the only one telling it like it is(sometimes a tad overboard).