Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tear Up Your American Money!!!

Apparently our money is not only increasingly worthless, it is also illegal... a federal appeals court today found that our money is just plain not-fair. It seems that having all bill denominations printed on the same size puts blind people at even more of a disadvantage. So tear the stuff to shreds... you were only going to use it to pay for gas anyway.


Kup said...

what will we use to buy the shredding machines???

Bradda said...

Money is a chain around your neck and hopefully someday you guys will realize this. Do what you want to do now. Life isn't forever. Who give's a fuck what the American dollar's exchange rate is? Other countries should be wary of our "dollar".

puddy said...

money is usually EARNED... hopefully one day you'll realize this.

and don't be such a condescending fuck. we'll let you know when we need your rational thinking.

Bradda said...

Thanks DAD...