Thursday, May 1, 2008

Most Uncomfortable Town Hall EVER...

John McCain at a town hall meeting today in Iowa. He finally gets asked the question that a lot of people have been wondering since Cliff Schecter wrote about it in his book, "The Real McCain". Notice he doesn't really deny anything. Good times:

Audience member: This question goes to mental health and mental health care. Previously, I've been married to a woman that was verbally abusive to me. Is it true that you called your wife a (expletive)?

McCain: Now, now. You don't want to... Um, you know that's the great thing about town hall meetings, sir, but we really don't, there's people here who don't respect that kind of language. So I'll move on to the next questioner in the back.


puddy said...

see you next time...

Anonymous said...

Holy fuck!!! Where/how did you get that lil' gem? LOVE the questioner. Gawd. Brilliant. THANKS!

Anonymous said...

P.S. Of special interest/entertainment were the 'gasps' and feined horror by the women surrounding the fucktard. Priceless.

Kup said...

If he did call his wife a cunt, that would be the most honest thing he has said in a long while...

Bradda said...

I got the video from firedoglake. They rule. I loved the gasps myself. "He said whaaaaaa?!?!". Classic.